Triage Direct Puts a Veteran Nurse on Your Team
Triage Direct is powered by Exclusively RNs robust after-hours telephone triage content.
For nearly 20 years, Anne Afshari and Laura Hagler have grown a successful after-hours telephone triage company and have authored a comprehensive after-hours triage protocol set. With Triage Direct, Anne and Laura have taken their experience and endless passion and created a comprehensive day-time protocol set.
Simply stated, Triage Direct creates an invaluable and powerful day-time triage tool for your nursing staff.
The Power of a Protocol
Our protocols are written with your patients in mind. Our comprehensive protocol set follows ACOG standards and addresses a wide variety of patient complaints. From labor questions, to breast concerns, to bladder complaints, we’ve got you covered.
Logic Driven
Our protocols are logic driven, algorithmic in nature, and simple to navigate. Set up and staff training is a breeze. Your nursing staff will be up and running in no time at all. During office hours, you’ll have secure and immediate access to all our protocols. Our protocols are compatible with every EHR and there is nothing to download!
Consistent and Flexible
Utilizing standard protocols allows for consistency in patient evaluation and education. Our protocols allow for flexibility and the use of nursing judgment while supporting nursing decisions and outcome. Every protocol leads to a specific disposition based on the nurse’s assessment and is chock-full of patient teaching and education.
Clear Documentation
Behind every great nurse is a powerful protocol. Protocols increase efficiency, provide consistency, build confidence and when used properly, they paint a perfect picture of every patient encounter and create rock-solid documentation.